Playing around is a great way to learn new things. To get some practise with Azure I try to combine fun with work topics. I used to love to game, but because I totally lose myself and the track-off time I just don’t. This week I somehow downloaded unreal tournament (for free) and had a go after 10 years of absents. Auch, I wasn’t good at it at all (anymore)! After two painful evenings I deleted it from my pc. A thought pop-up later on my drive to work; “It’s not you, it’s the pc.” 😛 So I decided I’d have to try it on a NV12 Azure virtual machine and convinced myself that this is just for research. Besides I have to burn my MSDN credits before leaving the company. Azure somehow feels natural for me. I had the NV12 spinning within minutes from the portal (indeed, only amateurs use the portal. Next time I’ll do it right and try PowerShell for something). Logged in and yes, it’s a beast! But after the install, the game couldn’t start because of a DirectX version problem. So I updated the drivers, no help. Then I checked for windows updates. I didn’t pay attention to the image version, so maybe I was running behind? Updated everything, still no mega kill… Turns out that the image version was too high. The VM doesn’t come with any recovery info for lower OS versions for a downgrade. So, now comes the best part: just delete the whole thing and start a fresh 🙂
With Cloud and it’s little/no upfront costs, you can take handson learning to the next level!
Update: it was probably not the OS version. Setup Nvidia and the likes discribde here.